
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Today I thought I'd share some pictures of our tree.....just finished decorating it today.  It's a 9 foot articial tree; I miss the fresh pine smell, but like that it has so many holes for bigger ornaments and that you can bend the branches to your liking.  Here it is almost from bottom to top:

Here's the very top.  That angel topper is something I made many years ago.

We have a lot of ornaments after almost 40 years: cross-stitched, stuffed fabric ones, lots of various paper ones, things the boys made when they were little, and of course, gifts and Hallmark ornaments!

And some of my teddy bears and old toys at the bottom:

One more, to show some of the ornaments up close and to give you a feel for how eclectic they are.  Top left is new this year, made from Spellbinders' Fleur de Lis pendants (tutorial here).  The little German hunter is one of many wooden ornaments we got in the late 1970s when we lived a year in Luxembourg.  And the angel made of doilies and lace is a fun reminder of a group of friends getting together to make them in volume; the hair is stiffened skinny ribbon wound around a dowel rod to dry.

Thanks for sticking with me - I'd love to see pictures of your tree if you'd like to share!


  1. Hi1 What a lovely tree! I love seeing all the different ornaments! Beautiful!

  2. Love your gorgeous tree Lin. I think that you put up your trees earlier in the US I probably won't put mine up till 22nd December when I break up from school.

  3. What a lovely tree and such beautiful ornaments.
    I'll share a picture of mine when it's decorated. But that's after Dec.6 because we first celebrate Saint Nicholas. And when he's gone back to Spain :), we decorate our Christmas tree and wait for Santa to come.

  4. Lin, your tree is just about how I pictured it would be! So full of lovely ornaments from years of memories! Mine also has handmade ones from a sister in-law, ones that the kids made when little, and we actually have one ornament that is exactly the same. The Christopher Radko USA heart which he made after 9-11. My mom gave them to all her grandkids that year for Christmas. . .very special. So glad you shared your tree! It is beautiful!

  5. Lin, thanks for a look at your tree! It is almost like a scrapbook; a record of the years!! This year I did the opposite; instead of hanging all the sentimental ornaments, I went for a different look. Lots of gold, some red and some green. New rope to replace the red beads I have always had. Just thought it was time to embrace change! Ilove the result! I didn't put out a lot of my decorations; I guess I felt like simplifying!

    that looks like a sunny room!! Love the new floors! Hugs.

  6. Beautiful tree Lin! Love looking at your ornaments and tree and the little descriptions are wonderful.

  7. What a fun and beautiful Christmas tree Lin, I cannot wait to get my up this week and decorate it. Hugs!

  8. My word! We just picked out a little 5 footer! I love your ginormous tree! All the ornaments are so special--and I love your topper, too! Smell or no smell, this is one gorgeous tree! Happy Holidays!

  9. love your beautiful tree lin and all those gorgeous ornaments....happy holidays...hugs kath xxx

  10. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos, Lin. Your tree is beautiful! I love this time of year!

  11. Amazing tree Lin! There are so many wonderful ornanament on it!

  12. wow! amazing! love seeing all the pretty ornaments you have. thanks for sharing, Lin!

  13. Gorgeous Lin! The Fleur de Lis is so detailed and pretty. Thank you so much for showing us!! xoxo


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