
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Flowers

 Hi, all, I took a little stroll around the house just now and thought I'd share a few flowers that are blooming in our gardens......things are pretty sparse right now, but I can see lots of green starting to peak through the soil.  I decided to bring a tiny bouquet inside with me.  These are miniature daffodils, maybe called tete-a-tete, along with the gorgeous blue scilla, and I think the white ones are wood hyacinths - they grow on separate little stems instead of a big flower cluster like regular hyacinths.  All of them are bulbs.   The daffodils, I think, are emitting a slight fragrance

Here's another picture with my nest that I cherish, filled with old robin's eggs or pieces of them.   Every spring I scout around the big blue spruces in back and often find discarded eggs.  The nest is, we think, a hummingbird one that my Dad found one year, made of horsehair (he lives adjacent to a barn housing horses).



  1. What an adorable flavour of spring! Stunning inspiration ;)
    And wow, that nest is really something isn't it?!! TFS, hugs, Ruth S

  2. I love this post, Lin and you're correct, the mini daffs are called tete-a-tete. Your scilla is so lovely! (Both the blue and white flowers in your sweet bouquet are wood hyacinth which are part of the scilla family.) So glad you're sharing your early blooms and hope to see lots more because if I remember correctly from last year, you have a gorgeous yard and gardens! :)

  3. Forgot to tell you how very sweet your nest is! What a special keepsake!

  4. Oh I love those flowers and love, love the nest! What a find!

  5. beautiful spring bouquet, Lin!! so pretty and so happy that spring is here! =)

  6. what a special post, Lin! wonderful spring that little nest!

  7. beautiful flowers Lin. They are such a sign of spring coming your way

  8. Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers from the garden! Love the flower arrangement on the vase and the nest is such a treasure! (Are those eggs real?)

  9. What a sweet little nest. I have a real bird nest I found this winter and I have some little quail eggs in it that I found at an antique store of all places! I love it...such a fun decor piece for spring! :)

  10. This is wonderful! how come your spring flowers are blooming and mine are frozen in the ground yet. :)


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