
Friday, December 16, 2011

First time EVER!

supplies: white cardstock, Memory Box Tree of Birds, inkadinkado Round Frames (sentiment), VersaFine onyx black ink and clear embossing powder, Memento Summer Sky marker, corner rounder

I am so very excited to share with you my first publication!  To say that I am thrilled is putting it mildly - I have been floating around here ever since its first sighting by some friends at the Hero Arts flickr group.  And I finally was able to find my very own copy earlier this week.  I'm speaking of the January/February issue of PaperCrafts magazine!

I submitted 14 cards for this issue, and this, the simplest of them all, was the one that was chosen.

There are 3 people I especially want to thank.  First is my friend Mary Anne Rhodes, who first showed me the possibilities of stamping.  Next is Savannah O'Gwynn, who I met last spring and who encouraged me to submit for publication.  And the third person is Virginia Lu, who has been my cheerleader in this process.  Dreams do come true, don't they, V?

I will also be published in the January issue of CARDS, in the Style section, but I haven't been able to find a copy of that. If anyone has a sighting, would you let me know?


  1. Congrats Lin...So Very Happy for you!!! Such a Cute card in Blue that you always do so well!! xoxoxo!

  2. Congratulations Lin, and so well deserved!

  3. I love this card, Lin! So special the way you left the one bird uncolored along with the sentiment. You know how happy I am for you - big congrats, once again! Pretty cool seeing it in print, huh? I should say so!! Yippee! :)

  4. Congratulations - very well done indeed. Love the asymmetrically rounded corners that tie in so well with leaves on the tree.
    Paula (PEP)

  5. woohoo Congratulations on being published... so exciting..

    Love this super cute card...I so love the blue..

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. BIG Congrats Lin! Your tree card is soo beautiful!

  8. are an awesome designer and I am so happy for you to be published! I love following you and I can't wait to see what you do next!

  9. A big congrats, Lin! It looks like your dreams are coming true and it couldn't happen to a more deserving gal. Your work is so amazing! Love this card and all it says. Can't wait to see more of you in print. Hugs!

  10. Congratulations Lin!! So happy that publications are recognizing your fabulous work!

  11. Congratulations Lin, love your CAS card. I have just received my copy of the mag its fun to recognise names in it!!

  12. Yes and yes to all of the above! I am absolutely thrilled for you in your first pub and lucky for me to be in the same magazine with you as well! You are my ultimate cheerleader as much as I am yours! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, big sis! This journey is not the same without YOU!! Sending happy HUGS!! CONGRATS!!

  13. THIS IS WONDERFUL NEWS!!! You totally deserve this recognition and I'm so happy for you! I read both of those magazines and will be so happy to see your name and your cards! Have a great day Lin!

  14. Congratulations Lin. Lovely card. I saw your card in the digital issue, its just amazing. So very well deserved and looking forward to more of your creations in the magazines:)

  15. Happy Congrats to you, my friend! I literally squealed with happiness when I saw this card in print, totally sharing in your joy!
    I love this gorgeous card, it's simply fabulous!
    Now if only I can get over my phobia, maybe I can join you in the ranks of the published card maker.

  16. Congratulations, Lin!! I love your card and it is definitely worthy of being published. (I'm sure all of your cards were). Will be watching for the CARDS issue! whoopee!!!

  17. Congrats Lin. I love all your cards.

  18. A great big Congratulations, Lin! That's exciting news and so well deserved! :)

  19. Big congrats, my friend! You're such an amazing artist - it'll be fun to see you get published over and over, now that you've begun! Funny, with all your gorgeous creations, that they pick this CAS. Love the blue tree with one white bird. Congrats again!!!

  20. Woo hoo Lin! Congratulations, you deserve it!

  21. This is super exciting news! It is well deserved!

    Sara Bird Anderson

  22. HOOOOOOOOOORAY, Lin!! I'm so so so happy to see that you were in print in this magazine!!!! I love the simplicity-and I totally see why it was picked!! AMAZING:)

    I'm so happy that you submitted---I knew your cards would be picked up:) YOU ROCK!!!!!!!

  23. Lin, a huge congrats to you!!! Your card is so darling! Did you say you're in the Style Challenge of Jan. CARDS? I'm in that section too, wonder if we are page neighbors?? I normally wait til that particular month and head out to JoAnn's to check it out. I don't subscribe to the digital so I just wait.

  24. congrats Lin. I was excited to see this... I get the mag delivered here in NZ and it is fun to see cards from people I "know". Well done.

  25. Lin, you have no idea how excited I was to see your card in this magazine! I am SO So happy that you have been published...I'm sure this is the first of MANY! I love the beautiful blue tree you have created...gorgeous!

  26. AMAZING card, Lin! Congratulations on your first publication! SO well deserved!

  27. Awesome!! This card is certainly worthy of publication! Lin, I am so very thrilled for you. Hugs.

  28. woohoo exciting for you...about time too I think..congrats on your publication...big hugs kath xxx

  29. Hi Lin, I saw this card in the magazine as I won a year's subscription to the magazine via Moxie Fab - congratulations on your publication!!

  30. Huge Congrats to you!!! You deserve it, your work is extremely inspiring, I always gasp when I see your pretty cards!

  31. Woo hoo, Lin, so happy for you!! Congratulations and I know there will be many more pubs!

  32. Whoo Hoo! no surprise here! Congrats! Double pub. Your card is gorgeous!

  33. congrats lin! cannot wait to see more of your published cards!!

  34. Big congrats so deserve it!! Your cards totally inspire me.
    Happy Holidays to you and yours.
    Hope it is filled with happy times and wonderful memories.


Thank you so much for your kind comments - they make my day!