
Friday, July 26, 2013

A card for Jackie's Nectarine challenge

If you're here for the Hero Arts Hostess Summer Picnic Blog Hop, please scroll down one post or click HERE.  Thank you!

Jackie's challenges using the revolving colors of her blog header are fun!  This is the 3rd color she's used, called nectarine.  The random winner of these challenges will win a blog header that she's designed!

supplies: white cardstock, washi tapes, Hero Arts Stamps: Dictionary Greetings, Remember, Mix & Match, The Craft's Meow stamp Typically Teen (paint splatters), soft canteloupe, soft granite and charcoal inks



  1. Love the splatters and washi tape, Lin! These colors are so pretty together!

  2. Very fun Lin, I like the way you've used the washi!

  3. I really love the washi tape too! All the painterly elements work so well together. Such a pretty card Lin!

    So glad you played along with me again! I'm looking forward to the next color!!! :)

  4. Love the way you combined the soft, pretty colors.

  5. I love how the nectarine looks with the gray. Your design is pretty and the splatters add a fun element!

  6. beautiful colours and great design.

  7. Totally fabulous, Lin - those tow colours are amazing together :)


Thank you so much for your kind comments - they make my day!