
Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Craft's Meow August Release Preview Day 2: Choose Hope

The Craft's Meow

Good morning!  Welcome to our second day of previews of our newest releases at The Craft's Meow!  Today we're introducing another of our newest illustrators, Angelica Suarez.  Her set today is called Choose Hope.  It's filled with lots of uplifting sentiments, along with some small images to go with them.  For today's card, I let one of the sentiments be the star, just adding some die-cut leaves and popping my panel above the card base.

Would you like to win this set?  Just hop on over to The Craft's Meow Blog and leave a comment there by 8:00 PM PDT.  The winner will be announced tomorrow when we show you some more of our new stamps for this month!

Please come back and visit me, too, tomorrow; we'll have TWO sets to show you then!


  1. LOVE how you did this Lin!! The die cutting with the sentiment pops :)

  2. Love the look of this card, Lin!

  3. That is a beautiful sentiment Lin! And I love how you did the die cut fern, beautiful.

  4. Wow, this is so CAS and so perfect! Love it, Lin!

  5. Excellent effect with your die cuts. Love this card.

  6. This is gorgeous! Beautiful die-cuts!


Thank you so much for your kind comments - they make my day!