
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Using negative die-cuts

It's no secret that I have loved using the Simon exclusive Eliza Snowflake this year, and I wanted to show that it's negative die-cut is just as lovely.  Here are a couple of cards that I made for my SSS sisters this year.  Both cards use Simon's Merry Christmas die also - just love that fun font!

This card used a Hero Arts Pool designer paper.

I like this pink and kraft combination.  This time I embossed my background panel with a Darice snowflake folder. 

This weekend, I am determined to get my Christmas cards addressed so that they can go out on Monday.  I know they'll arrive after Christmas, but at least I'll know I made the effort!  I seem to have been playing catch-up ever since our late Thanksgiving!


  1. They are both so pretty, Lin! ♥

  2. love both of these but the pink and kraft one if especially pretty!! a blessed christmas to you and your family.

  3. Love them, Lin! Merry Christmas to you :)

  4. Such a pretty way to use this die, Lin -- I think you are the snowflake queen!

  5. I've been a bad blog visitor too Lin! It's so hard to keep up isn't it! Have a wonderful Christmas and a creative New Year. See you in 2014. xxx

  6. What a lovely combination; the snowflake looks lovely cut from patterned and embossed paper.
    Heather T

  7. I like both the cool and warm versions Lin! That die is beautiful! No wonder you're having so much fun with it! :)

  8. Delightful cards Lin. The negative space looks stunning. Love the pink and kraft colour scheme

  9. So pretty, Lin! I love both color combos with a slight nod to the pink and kraft!

  10. Really sensational negative snowflake cards, Lin!! Happy Holidays to you!! Hugs, Darnell

  11. Beautiful Snowflake cards.

  12. Lovely cards. They are so simple & your heart comes through. I'm in the same place as you--Christmas letter almost done to insert into the cards not sent yet. Better late than never.

    Blessings to you,

  13. These are beauties, Lin! Love the design!

  14. Love love love!!! I am a HUGE fan of the SSS exclusive dies and own several!! Snowflakes are always a favorite and I LOVE the classic and simple style of these cards, yet they are fabulous!! :)

  15. Lovely cards! That snowflake is gorgeous even when using the negative ;-)

  16. LOVE the look of these cards, Lin!


Thank you so much for your kind comments - they make my day!