
Friday, May 2, 2014

You are the Best!

Playing once again with my W&W The Big, the Bold, and You stamps for the Moxie Fab World Hip on Handwriting challenge.  This time I used some paper from My Mind's Eye's Pretty Things paper pad. I love the mint green background, and the vintage feel to it.  I added my own strip of wide lace, and used more of the papers to fussy-cut the roses and pop them up above the card (the pale rose is double-popped).  Added a few pearls, and finished!  I haven't done a card like this in awhile, and I'm pleased with the way it turned out!  

Thanks for visiting me today - have a great weekend!


  1. It's really beautiful, you're right Lin that mint colour paper looks great!! The roses and lace are a perfect match!!! Have a great National Scrapbooking Day weekend!!

  2. Stunning card, Lin! Love that pretty mint color and the lace! ♥

  3. Love your pretty colors, Lin! Have a lovely weekend!

  4. Lin this is so beautiful! Happy weekend.

  5. Gorgeous card, Lin! Some great fussy cutting goin' on there!!

  6. Lin, this is a lovely card! Vintage roses and crochet *sigh*. :)

  7. so pretty Lin. A really vintage looking card.

  8. You should be pleased Lin, it's a beauty!


Thank you so much for your kind comments - they make my day!