
Friday, July 31, 2015

A birthday card

Somewhere during my surfing I came across this lovely card by Kate that really appealed to me and I pinned it for future inspiration.  Yesterday I came across it again and thought I'd do my own version of it.  I think it would make a great masculine birthday card - guys always seem to like blues and greens, but I think these colors are pleasing to everyone.

supplies: white and Hero Art's Grass layering paper, leaf from a BoBunny Halloween clear set (Apple Cider), Hero Arts Birthday Greetings, Simon's Lots of Dots, Hero Arts Tide Pool, Splash, Green Hills, and Grass inks

I stamped a white panel with the leaves , then overstamped them with 2 sizes of dots and colored inks.  Then I cut that panel in half, stamped my sentiment on my card base, and glued the panel pieces on either side of the sentiment.

I was amazed that I didn't have many open leaves stamps!  Lots of solid ones, but very few like these.  Simon's new One with Nature set would be a fun one to use here.  It's on my wishlist!

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great weekend!  We are off to my DH's 50th HS class reunion!!

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