
Monday, September 16, 2019

A Note to Say Hello

Hello!  Hope your week is off to a GREAT start!  I could use a dose of cooler weather, but I'm not complaining.......using these colors for my card today gave me enough of a taste for awhile.

I've been away recently, on a cruise to Alaska!  We had amazing weather, not one drop of rain, so we could see the beautiful scenery perfectly!  We came home feeling pampered, and made some wonderful memories.

One day at sea there was a papercrafting class offered, and I met some lovely people from all over the world.  We made an origami flower!  There was a sweet lady from Wales in that class and we got to talking about our passions, and she showed me something completely new to me, cards made using vellum/parchment and Groovi plates; she shared 2 beautiful cards using this method, and I wanted to send her one of my cards too.  Here's what I made, in her favorite colors.

supplies: white, Sunshine, and Orange Peel cardstock, Wplus9 Hello and Thanks and part of sentiment from Hand Lettered Hello, markers to color, Altenew Golden Sunset and VersaFine Onyx Black inks, scalloped dies from Winnie & Walter Audrey and MFT Stitched Mini Scallop Rectangle

Thanks for visiting today - if any of you are familiar with Groovi plates and parchment crafting, I'd love to see your work, too; leave me a link.  I hope it makes its way over here to the states soon!  


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip Lin and how fun that you met some paper crafting friends along the way! Your card is lovely. Those flowers are a favorite of mine!

  2. Beautiful card and I'm sure she will love it. I just found your blog from Pinterest. I love what I see and am looking forward to future inspirational cards.

  3. Sounds like it was a fantastic trip. What fun to go to a class and meet new people. Love your card Lin. So elegant and clean looking. I'm sure your new friend will love it.

  4. What a beauty Lin - that is one gorgeous card! I have not heard of the groovi plates either... so glad you had such a wonderful cruise!

  5. Lin, your new friend is going to be thrilled by your gorgeous card! What are the chances of having a class onboard that ship that fits your wheelhouse so perfectly?
    I haven't heard of either of those techniques - but I'll bet Google does! Off to do a little digging!

  6. Sounds like a great trip and how wonderful to meet more papercrafting people from all over.

    Never heard of those techniques either, but going to google it.

  7. This is a really pretty card. I'm not a yellow-orange fan but your colors took my breath away.


Thank you so much for your kind comments - they make my day!