Thursday, August 2, 2018

Inspired by Shari

I needed a birthday card for our nephew, and Shari's post at the Simon Blog yesterday came just at the right time!   I was wowed by her technique, but I don't have all that many distress oxide inks yet, so I thought I'd try her idea with my regular distress inks.  Here's my result:

supplies: white, kraft Green Apple and Green Leaf card, distress inks: twisted citron, broken china, stormy sky, and vintage photo, rectangular blending foam and tool, retired Tim Holtz woodgrain embossing folder, Winnie & Walter In a Word: Happy cutaway, retired Hero Arts Essential Messages sentiment, Lawn Fawn Stitched Leaves die, twine, wood dot

Using my rectangular sponge and matching blending tool, I swiped colors vertically on my white card stock, then I embossed it with the woodgrain folder.  Next I lightly sponged some more vintage photo over the raised area to bring out more of the detail.  That panel was then trimmed to fit inside an A2 card, and I cut out my happy sentiment, along with 5 other kraft ones to layer with it for thickness.  I affixed it to my card base, added my sentiment strip, and then 2 leaves sponged with peeled paint distress ink at the top.

Edited to add:  Since I had so much fun with this, I wanted to try another version, this time substituting a woodgrain plank stamp for the embossing folder.  Instead of leaves as an embellishment, I used a wood veneer bird, stained a bit with vintage photo ink.  And since my card base is a darker brown, I used some copper embossing powder to make my stamped sentiment stand out.  This one turned out on the darker side, thanks to the darker card base and my adding of peeled paint to the palette.  I think I prefer my original version......

I'm so sorry so many of these supplies are retired or not linked, but I used what I had.

As always, thanks so much for stopping by.  


Barbara said...

This is gorgeous. I plan to use distress inks for this technique, too since I don't have the oxides. I'm glad to see how well it worked. So thanks, Shari and Lin!

Arlene said...

I love both of your cards. I'd hate to give them away.

Cat Craig said...

Lin, I loved Shari's post on this. I don't have the reinkers but I am going to try it with both types of ink. I love your takes, the texture definitely addes another level to the cards. So fabulous, such great man cards.

adele holcomb said...

Wow! These turned out great! What delightful, masculine cards.

kiwimeskreations said...

Both of your cards are a delight Lin - I too prefer the lighter one, but there is nothing 'wrong' with the darker shades - just personal taste :) Fabulous masculine makes!

nancy dempsey said...


Aileen said...

wow Lin these two cards are just brilliant, love love the look of them both.

Daria Z. said...

Love that this technique worked with the regular distress inks. Both cards are fabulous, but I actually prefer the second card.

JoAnn said...

I love both cards and the technique you used. Like you, I prefer the first card also. Thanks for sharing.

CherylQuilts said...

Oh, Lin, what gorgeous (and handsome) cards these are! I love the richness of the background and how the Distress Ink works so well and really love the eclipse word technique! If I ever thought of purging the first embossing folder, I won't now. What a great masculine card it makes! Hugs!

BeverlyBL said...

Both cards are sooo pretty. You did a great job.

Karen L K said...

They are both really nice looks! The colors are really nice and I like the different looks.

Monica said...

Such fantastic ideas and so well done. Love both the projects.

Thank you! said...

Wow, what a great card! Is there a name for the technique you used? I’ll try to find a video for it. Sorry, but I’m a visual learner.

Nancy said...

Those of you who provide ideas are great. However you should not be allowed to provide tutorials using retired materials. Twice I fell in love with the projects being provided only to find out at the end…..materials were retired. AA Low Point in My Crafting. I will never watch a tutorial without researching whether the products are available.

Lin said...

Thank you for your input, Nancy. But in this time when products by some companies are retired within the same year that they were introduced, I will continue to use the products I own rather than replacing them with a newer version of same. All you need do is to research what is retired and you'll find something else very similar and sometimes better.

Anonymous said...

Both cards are gorgeous! I love the technique and the colors you used. Please don’t hesitate to posts cards made with retired items. It’s so simple to substitute stamps or embossing folders or dies that you already own or buy something similar. That way you are making it your own and not simply copying.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this inspiration! I created a beautiful Father’s Day card following your guidelines.