During the busy holiday season,
Hannah awarded me this one. Thank you so much, Hannah, and I'm so sorry that it took me so long to get this posted.

And I woke up this morning to find this pretty award from
Sally! Thank you, my friend!
Here are the rules:
1. Copy the award to your blog.
2. Link to the person who gave you the award.
3. Identify 7 interesting facts about yourself.
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to pass this award on to.
5. Link to their blogs.
6. Leave them a comment to let them know about this award
So, my interesting (?) things are:
1. I have a degree in mathematics! I can balance the checkbook, usually!
2. Before starting our family, I worked in a law library.
3. I hate brussel sprouts.
4. Due to my DH's job, we lived in Luxembourg for a whole year in 1979......LOVED it, and would like to go back someday soon. It is a small country about the size of Rhode Island, if I remember correctly, situated between Belgium, France and Germany. Beautiful green country.
5. My sisters' nickname for me is Madame Queen......being the oldest, I was (and am) pretty bossy.
6. I love to eat, but hate to cook. When DH retired, he took over that chore. He is so much better at it.
7. Though I now live in another state, I will always be a 'burgher (Pittsburgh, PA) ... friendliest people in the world.
Now, I'd like to pass these awards on to some of the nicest and most creative people I know. Accept either or both of them:
the Oz