It was so difficult to narrow down this list. Many of my favorites are missing because I couldn't figure out how to get their pictures posted here. Keep in mind that these are my favorites today; tomorrow they'll be different! I am so proud to be part of this amazing group of women! Thanks, ladies, for the constant inspiration!
I could choose 20 of Jacqueline's cards to show you, but this one really touched my heart in so many ways. She stamped over a photograph of wooden shoes planted with pansies.

I love OZ's cards because they always show her sense of fun and they are always beautifully crafted.

Tif's cards are always like a fairy tale brought to life; she often uses beautiful flowers.

Every single one of Donna's cards are a work of art. This one is one of my favorites from the shaped cards challenge. She even has a white picket fence!

Suzanne's card perfectly exemplifies the peace and gentleness that winter can be, and it incorporates music paper.

Marilyn's card is one of my very favorites, and I've used it as a model many times for cards of my own.

This one of Laura's is pure joy to me; it uses a digital image of one of my first Hero stamps, Sketch Tulips.

This card of Sue's is one of the ones that makes me want to drop everything and run out and buy the stamp that is featured.

My Hero Hostess Sista Cathy made this little lovely for the photo challenge, and I can almost smell the lavender!

Trace has her own unique style. This one is one of her earliest cards; it makes me think of a soft worn quilt.

This card by Kathy Rosecrans hits all the right notes for me: text, scallops, gingham, flowers.....just a beautiful design.

Here is a gorgeous card by another of my Hero sisters, Sarah. This was just done for the recent blog hop. She used my current favorite stamp and made it sing!

Daria's card is another of my very favorites. The design is so appealing to me, and it uses everyone's favorite Heart Winged Butterfly.

Finally, I think Robin and I were separated at birth :) She and I seem to have the same sensibilities. Here is one of my recent favorites of hers; it has everything I need: pink, brown, hearts and flowers.

It's almost the New Year here, so I'll close for tonight, but will be back tomorrow to post another of Sue's ideas, a look at my favorites of my own cards from before this blog was born. Happy New Year, everybody!!
Thank you for this post Lin. What a lovely way to show and mention each one's strong points. Isn't it cool how people's personalities shine though in their work. Thank you for including me in your thoughts too. I really enjoy how much fun you are having with your blog too!! Happy New Year Lin, hugs the Oz
Happy New Year Lin :D. What a great blog idea! I loved seeing which cards/people inspired you. Wishing you all the best for 2010 & happy crafting.
Happy New Year to you Lin! Whohooo....1 more hour to go for me...what a lovely showcase of favorites, what a fun and great idea...I think everyone should be doing this! Thanks for including my card and you're so right about how much talent our forum has...sooo much, it's beyond words really! Hugs!
This is a "why didn't I think of that" moment.....such a neat idea passed on by Sue! I'm honored that you shared my house card, too! I don't think there's enough room on my blog for all the talent that you and our Flickr friends share week after week. Aren't we all blessed?
Hope you have a wonderful New Year! Hugs to Liam!
wow! love your picks, Lin! and you are so right about how many talented ladies are in the Hero Flickr group! those are amazing! thanks for sharing!!
What a lovely idea Lin, Happy New Year to you!!
Yhis is a lovely idea, as I only joined the group this year, I have not seen alot of these cards, they are all amazing. Happy New Year Lin!
Thank you for picking one of my cards to share amongst this talented group. I was looking forward to seeing which of your cards from this last year were your favorites? I loved this idea of picking a few of the many beautiful cards and highlighting them.
Lin, loved your look back at a wonderful year in the group. Fantastic selection of amazing cards. Enjoyed looking again at cards I had seen and seeing some others for the first time.
Heather Maria
Wow, our Flickr group is so talented! You chose so many great cards Lin and thanks for picking one of mine! Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year Lin!
Amazing compilation from some of my favorite artists...thanks so much Lin! I'll be browsing through their photostreams today to gather inspiration and I'm sure I will spend a bit of time perusing the loveliness on your photostream too!
Lin, such a wonderful idea! You and Sue are extremely clever for sharing some of the gorgeous designs that have inspired you during the past year. I'm with Donna...why didn't I think of that ;D Awesome blog post! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Lin! This is such a fun idea! I JUST LOVE all of your picks. Truly amazing works of art. How sweet of you to showcase them here on your blog!
Great idea, Lin! Especially this week when winners for the blog day are being announced. There are so many talented artists among this group; any of them are deserving of a day on the blog!! So glad you showcased these beautiful cards! Happy New Year!!
Beautiful post! You featured so many talent and creativity here! And some of the greatest stamps! ;-) Like this heart winged butterfly! I wish you a very happy new Year!
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